
To be a Warrior…
Is to foster and nurture the greatness in us all.
To allow energy- any energy,
to move freely through.
Without judgment or identity- placed.
Only in neutrality.
A warrior’s heart knows only purpose,
service, devotion to the vision, imagined
and conducted by a force that at times may seem so fleeting…
It too, unnamed, as the thoughts, the emotions
that flutter through.
The purposed warrior- in his service-
allows room for breadth,
a great magnitude of greatness
to be reflected within and without.
It is from neutrality of holding the space.
The space of direction-
passionate action,
which all can be encompassed within, fearlessly.
Stepping grandly, smartly, each stride covering immeasurable ground.
This warrior resists nothing
as all that is, can be, and will become
adds fuel to the fire.
The consuming flame
which pulses him
quickly, and sometimes- slowly
Continuing in the movement
and by his freedom.
By his ease and scope of ability
he shows others the path.
Stepping stones in quicksand,
for those who choose to see,
those who choose to hear.
And his heart is what carries him.
His heart is what beats the drum
of the knowing, of the purpose.
And he is eagle. He is freedom.
Positioned. Naked. At the frontlines of a battle
that softens as his eyes fall upon the truth.
The truth that seats him, steadily, unbiased
and unafraid.
The truth of his humanness-
of the immortality of Legend
and the fleetingness of Flesh.