God, be with me in this long night
Assure that tiny flickering flame
Buried deep within my  chest
Be not snuffed out by
These merciless winds of change.

Be with me as I plummit through surrender.
This inifinitely vast void.
Shepherd me to holy mystery

Take my hand through death
Lead me past it’s rot
Let me not linger in it’s seduction
but be my courage towards a dawning.




I feel it on the tip of my tongue

This great eternal quest of the mystic.

To achieve definition of devotion,

articulate the dance between trust and creation.

To walk so closely as to feel the very

Breath of the untranslatable.

To stand naked in its sparkling heat.



A Song to Sing the World


I reached for a song to sing the world,

what I found were the stars

counting themselves across the sky,

and a half full moon dancing her way to the sun.

Thirsty roots drinking below my feet

falling up to branches stretching for

the space where heaven and earth meet.

A union whispering;

belief and mystery

a compass for destiny.


The rhythm of remembering

where past and present forget their names

and infinity cares enough to come back and count the seconds;

keepers of the secrets to

perception’s artistry.


I reached where silence speaks

Loudly on his throne.

Lecturing on

the generosity of shadows,  

the courtesy of seasons,

and the intellect of dawn.


Here I reached a little more,

to where the soul turns

and the dream has proof

It has awakened,

and found at last

No song that I alone, can sing.


Contrast. Polarity & Disillusionment. Hey! Someone stole my unicorn!

Contrast. Polarity & Disillusionment.
Hey! Someone stole my unicorn!
Let’s face it. We are human…
Our cosmology is woven together by strands of light and dark, nothing and something, black and white.
It is idyllic to believe that at a certain point we may magically manifest ourselves into a magic kingdom where our challenges are forgotten and nothing but fields of gold await us.
Is it possible? Yes!
Have I, the author, personally stumbled upon such magic field? You best believe it!
Well then why, you ask, do I find myself sitting here today writing this article rather than enjoying it’s splendor?
Because Here and Now is happening.
Life is happening.
I desire to grow, to expand, to challenge myself and connect intimately with others. I choose to dive into my dusty corners and discover what treasures are hidden.
I see that relationship of any kind holds inevitable polarities and contrast.
When you look into a mirror and move your right hand, you will see the movement reflected on the left side of the mirror.
This includes the relationship to self.
Contrast expands consciousness.
Polarity activates growth.
And disillusionment.. brings it all home,
If as above so below, I believe is below where disillusionment resides.
It takes courage to go there.
To take the dream and dissolve its structure,
to question, blame, doubt all that you are.
I say, good work!
I have found that when I surrender to that space and become present with myself in those spaces I inevitably navigate to a space of profound clarity and connection to purpose and my vision, inaccessible to such a degree before.
Your destiny will meet you. There’s no losing it, or taking the wrong path. You can never get this wrong!
I feel like its time we take a deep breath and ease up on trying to run the race to endless bliss. This is your field of gold, kingdom of heaven, and new day!  A full spectrum of emotions, experiences and creations.  We did it! We are doing it! And it is here!
A miracle is a shift from Fear to Love. I am writing this as a call to not fear the shadow, rather love it, watch it and embrace it as you go there. To love its twists and turns and discomfort and sorrows all the same as the joy and the bliss.
‘Be the change you wish to see’… we all know the quote.
It is in these darkest days where our mettle is truly tested and the greatest work done. We have a responsibility of bringing actionable, measurable, grounded results to this earth. And it happens here, right now, in the dark, in the uncomfortable, in the questioning and the refining.
I feel we are all well deserving of a round of applause. To ourselves and our brothers and sisters. Massive action is taking place all around the globe. Because of you, of me, our fearlessness, our capability and our timing.
I ask for gentleness and ease in our transformations, and swiftness as we cultivate the miracles for ourselves, our communities and our worlds. That as we integrate the contrast, polarities and flourish out of any disillusionment we find support of the highest immediately.

Enjoy the ride.

Reverse Engineering

There has recently been requests for me to post and share some of my creative and healing process.

One significant mechanism I have found to be extremely beneficial in my life as I work with the sacred plant teachers is a process I call ‘reverse engineering’.

It’s a simple process that works on 3 basic points Vision. Feeling. Mapping.

Ceremony and ritual of any kind will often produce alignment, resonance and presence.

This may culminate at certain focalized time and hence – a Vision, is had.

So many of us consciousness pioneers, healers, shamans and way showers talk of our visions.. So how do we apply them to our lives? How do we integrate these moments of revelation and understanding for advanced and accelerated transformation?

Reverse Engineering has long been a term that had been related to UFOs and technology of a higher intelligence. The term surely incites images of governments and scientists picking apart mysterious crafts so we can apply this technology for our own use. What I am proposing is a different form – but basically the same idea.

So you have your vision, Your ‘sweet spot’, aha! Your That’s It! Breakthrough.. Now hold it! Seize that feeling. Capture it, take a mental emotional spiritual snapshot – breathe into it relax into, and ask ‘how did I get there?’

Guide yourself through its undoing, and practice getting there again. It’s like a muscle, and the breath will help.

You are creating your map to be able to access this point, this feeling again. Focus on the subtleties, the energy, the feeling. Not the specifics, the physical or the logical.

I have been using this method since I began on my path of transformation over 5 years ago and have been practicing and refining it since.

Be conscious of the maps you design. Focus on those that are appropriate to where you want to go and who you want to be.


Sound the call and ring the bells, this is the time, this is your time, a new day, the days foretold and of prophecy. 

Rise! Rise up like these mountains, rise up like the tides of the sea. 

As you cross your lines from dream to reality, be the change, yes, and be the demonstration… That this is what awakened is, that this is what awakened does and this is what awakened sees. 

Honor the cries of our ancestors and of the future generations. 

Be in service to those in need. In moments of questioning or doubt, trust in the work that has been done.

The giving, the releasing the receiving, the being that you are. 

Feel the vision, your heart, your silent decrees of why you are here and what you are and the purpose of you being alive at this time.

Every dream is equal here, every heart beats as one. 

Trust. Trust your prayers and the design of our destiny. 

A wellspring of hope follows in the path you tread. 

Give thanks in each moment and for the gifts yet to come. Be blessed and thrive, now is the time.


So what are you to do
with all your dreams coming true?
Celebrate each moment.
Inspire those around you.
Reach past the stars
inside of Heaven’s gate.
Never question destiny
This glorious fate.

Write a poem
Tell a tale.
The epic ode
To all you know
Plant the seeds and watch them grow.
Walk inside the ocean
And fade into the blue
Let the sky above you
Sing it’s silky song
Never miss a moment and let the day be long.
Sit on rooftops
Making music
And worship
Your sound
Blowing kisses to the ground.


Yes, all is holy.
Yes, all is sacred.

The folds of the inner workings.
The great mysteries that perpetuate the mechanics of the heart and creation.

This is what this is for.
The fires that burn deep and pure.
The wisdom and discipline that pulls up the sun in all it’s specialness and oneness.

The surrender into the cosmic, unidentifiable soup that is to be a human-
capable of so many things.

And the capacity of the mind-the matrix we build with thoughts; our etheric hands.
And yet, each day we wipe our brows to begin fresh work.
An entirely new set of circumstances.

And there are babies still hungry,women still raped. Screams that echoe and the mind at once says how could it ever be enough.

And the heart says be all that you are and you will anchor the same.
Words, so powerful;
prayers that source from the heart.

Yes, make them louder. Yes, go boldly. Yes, travel to the source of all that is.
That great space of empty fullness that reaches beyond the confines, between molecules seen and unseen.